Download Advanced Mac Cleaner Removal Tool To find and delete all kinds of malware and threat from your Mac OS X system automatically. Click on the Download button to get rid of Advanced Mac Cleaner virus completely in just few easy steps.

Part 5 :- Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner From Registry Editor

Registry Keys Created by Advanced Mac Cleaner

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsmsmpeng.exe “Debugger” = ‘svchost.exe’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsmsseces.exe “Debugger” = ‘svchost.exe’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallAdvanced Mac Cleaner


HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings “WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect” = ’0′

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings “WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect” = ’0′

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSystemRestore “DisableSR ” = ’1′

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsekrn.exe “Debugger” = ‘svchost.exe’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsmsascui.exe “Debugger” = ‘svchost.exe’

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “3948550101?

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “xas”

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAdvanced Mac Cleaner

Be very careful while deleting registry keys as erasing a wrong registry can simply mess up your entire computing machine. It will make things even more devastating for you. Make sure you are deleting only the malicious registry entries otherwise, if you delete one important registry file and entire file system may get corrupted. Since, root nodes of registry files does not not physically exist hence you will be erasing their contents via Regedit. Therefore, deleting stuff from the registry will simply kill Windows. Unless you have a backup, restoring it is impossible.

Tips For Preventing Advanced Mac Cleaner And Other Malware In Future

Once you remove this infection completely from your PC, you must beware of these kind of attacks. As it is said that prevention is better than cure, so you are advised to avoid such type of malware intrusion in future. Here are some tips given below that can help you to stay safe online.
Special Offer
Advanced Mac Cleaner can keep coming back to your system if its core files are not completely removed. We recommend downloading SpyHunter Malware Scanner – to see whether it will find malicious programs on your PC.
More information about SpyHunter and how you can Install SpyHunter, If wish to uninstall steps to uninstall. Please review SpyHunter’s EULA, Threat Assessment Criteria, and Privacy Policy. Keep in mind, only SpyHunter’s scanner is free. If it detects a malware, it will subject to a 48-hour waiting period, one remediation and removal. You’ll need to purchase its full version if you want to remove the infection instantly.
Advanced Mac Cleaner is a potentially unwanted program that pretends to be a genuine Mac optimization app that shows fake warning messages and alerts on machine in order to make you purchase a completely useless application. This fake Mac security app is so worthless that it uses deceptive techniques to get installed on the targeted machine like Mac Auto Fixer, Mac Magician, Mac Cleanup Pro and others. Most of the times users can see through this type deceptive application that’s why it piggybacks on the installation of other third party apps and browser redirect malware for its installation. Creators of this bogus Advanced Mac Cleaner program bundle it with other freeware programs and when you install them on it get installed silently and then start showing fake warning alerts that your Mac is infected or virus found on your Mac. It is just another poor scamming technique used to cheat innocent users. Once Advanced Mac Cleaner manages to enter your system, it will intentionally downgrade your Mac speed and performance to convince that your machine is infected.

Advanced Mac Cleaner Virus : Threat Analysis

NameAdvanced Mac Cleaner
TypePotentially Unwanted Application
Danger LevelModerate (Can bring threats like Ransomware and Trojan on your computer)
DistributionThrough spam emails, bundled freeware, malicious websites, porn or torrent sites, cracked software, file sharing network etc.
SymptomsShow fake scan results, pop-up warnings, virus alerts to con you in to purchasing useless programs.
RemovalDownload Combo Cleaner For Mac
Advanced Mac Cleaner is a bogus application, not a virus but not harmless too. This kind of application that you don’t need or which can’t do any good for Mac will only use extra space on your system and use your Mac resources which will cause slow system speed. It will bring other obnoxious programs on machine too because if uses the help of other third party products to alter your system security, other might also take its help for unwanted installation. Advanced Mac Cleaner application can also spy on your online activities to gather your sensitive information. It can make unwanted changes to your Mac setting and might also compromise your browser which will result into loads of annoying ads and unwanted browser redirection. It is not safe to allow this Advanced Mac Cleaner infection on your system because one tiny hole can sink the whole ship. It is just like a hole in your Mac security and it won’t be too late until other unwanted apps and browser redirect malware will find their way inside your Mac that will surely cause other dangerous issues.
Advanced Mac Cleaner application mostly get into the targeted Mac computer without permission of the users. You may also get compelled by other warning alerts and threatening messages on your machine asking you to scan your system with Advanced Mac Cleaner to remove any hidden threat. This deceptive Mac app is a security breach that can lead to various uncertain and harmful problems if its not get removed before time. Eliminating this threat manually need certain amount of skills and precision because Advanced Mac Cleaner creates various files after installation that could help this infection in getting back after removal. It could disable your security related programs that could create loopholes on your system which may leads to privacy leak and identity theft. It is quite important to remove this potentially unwanted and harmful program as soon you discover it on your machine. Follow the below guide for the complete assistance for permanent removal of Advanced Mac Cleaner virus from your machine.

Automatically Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner virus From Mac

Combo Cleaner is a Professional Mac Antivirus and optimization tool which is equipped with several important tools that helps you to keep your Mac fast and healthy like new. Its award winning virus, malware, and adware scan engines are able to detect all hidden threats and infections like Advanced Mac Cleaner virus. A dedicated malware research team works 24/7 to ensure Combo Cleaner users are protected from outbreaking malware threats. The virus definition database is updated hourly to ensure that you are protected from the latest malware infections like Advanced Mac Cleaner virus. The scanner is totally free to use and you can detect all the problems related to your Mac using free scanner but to remove infections, you will have to purchase the full version of Combo Cleaner.

Download Combo Cleaner For Mac

Manually Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner virus From Mac

Follow the below steps to remove this fake Mac Cleaner virus or any other hidden threats from your Mac, but first bookmark this page in case you need to restart your machine or close the browser. Manual removal steps take time and need some good knowledge of your system otherwise deleting wrong files or programs could lead to more problems. So if you not sure that you can follow all the steps as in order explained below then feel free to chose Combo Cleaner Mac Anti-virus for quick and automatic removal of Advanced Mac Cleaner virus and all the other infection with safety and precision.

Close Malicious Program From Activity Monitor

Download Combo Cleaner For Mac

Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner virus From Applications

Remove Malicious Programs From LaunchAgents

Remove Malicious Programs From Application Support

Remove Malicious Programs From LaunchDaemons

Mac Advanced Cleaner Remove

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Remove Advanced Mac Cleaner virus From Your Browser

Remove From Safari Browser

Reset Safari To Default

Change Your Safari Homepage


Change Your Default Search Engine

Remove From Google Chrome

Reset Google Chrome

Google Chrome – Dangerous Sites Protection

Remove From Mozilla Firefox

Reset Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox – Block Attack Sites and Web Forgeries

  1. Warn me when sites try to install add-ons
  2. Block reported attack sites
  3. Block reported web forgeries

Tips To Prevent Malware Like Advanced Mac Cleaner virus In Future

Download Combo Cleaner For Mac